At almost 10 kilometers from Oneşti the referee is also a traffic officer. His whistle stops the game in order to let the wagons to pass through the field!!!
The football in the Romanian villages has a special charm. At the lowest level, players do not savour of Ben-Gay, but of plum brandy. The lock room is sometimes in the corn field, and the spectators consume the seed never-failing from a football match directly from the source, from the sun flower cap.
The road which crosses the field
Look what narrates the delegate of a guest team about a match that took place in the Easter, on the day after the Rise: "I was at Bogdanesti, a village of bumpkins at 10 km from Onesti. It was a lap in the League 5 and they didn’t want o change the date. So we went there, at 100 km from Buhusi, with a team formed almost of reserves, very tired because they slept only a few hours after the Rise. We arrived there, to play on a ground with very big gradients! From one side of the field we couldn’t see the ball from the place where I was because of a grave in the ground!!! The touches were “ran" with sawdust (are they ecologists? I don’t think so). But the most amazing thing: a road crossed the field and we had the opportunity to see cars crossing the field during the game. Only one with the wagon stopped. The first time when the game was interrupted, he was allowed to “cross”. Does it matter that we lost with 4-1?".
There are also advantages at Bogdanesti. At least this results from the conversation of 2 referees from League 5 from Bacau:
- The village Bogdanesti has charm. Near one of the touch there is a fence so close to the field so that you can say that the line is run with spectators, and not with the famous sawdust. The assistant referees with a half meter on the ground. But do you know what‘s the coolest thing?
- No.
- In stead of lock rooms they have a tent. We changed our cloths there :).
- But do you know where we changed in the last 2 laps?
_ ?!
- Outside, because they had cut the maize :))!
The hottest news from Bogdanesti
The information with the field crossed by wagons and cars and with the dressing room in a tent is not such interesting as the news about the goalkeeper from Bogdanesti. This one has a wooden leg!!! He is often the receiving end of spectators’ ironies: "You make roots when it rains".
Prajesti, the referees fear
Although it is called Prajesti, the referees are "burnt" every match in this village from Bacau. It happens very rarely that no one gets hurt. On the top of referees’ hunters is the mayor of the village!!! The referee Romeo Macaru is the last "burnt", two weeks ago, when Prajestiul was the host. Another dangerous place for the referees was Ardeoani, but to my great surprise it’s ok now, since the team was taken by Ionut Iftimoaie, ex k1 fighter!!
At Buciumi a peasant was ploughing the field in the game day
Another real story, which happened almost two weeks ago, took place at Buciumi. When the team of referees arrived at the "stadium", surprise! A peasant was ploughing the field! "Leave, this is my ground and I do what I want on it", this was the reply of the man who didn’t want to miss the autumn plough.
At Corbasca, the stadium is near the church and near the cemetery. The favourite joke of the medical assistant at hacks? "The grave is cut"
"Corbasca is at a distance of almost 70 km from Bacau. When you go there you have the feeling that you are at the end of the world. First you cross a forest, and then you go on a road where there is only grass and no house. When you arrive in the village, the streets look as after a bombing, with graves of half a meter. But they have a football team! And the ground is situated near the cemetery and the church. Do you know which is the favourite joke of the medical assistant when a player falls to the ground? "Don’t worry, because the grave is cut!". And there is another problem. They have only one ball, and in the side of the field which is opposite to the cemetery they cultivate maize. Before they harvest the maize they have been searching the ball for 5 minutes ", says a referee.
Ours are like the firs
Is Gigi Becali looking for a forward? Look at the ball. The young man plays at Inter Letea Veche and the "assistant" has 1,65m. He has a double role because he plays, also.
A ball of referee instead of horse
The region Siret, affected this summer of flash flood, started a new life. At the game between the locals from Siret Bacau and Vointa Girleni they received an incredible "referee ball". From what place? Do you see a horse in the picture? From there :).
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