Football   •   Liga 1   •   PETRODOLLARS, STEAUA'S SAVING

Gigi lent money from Oli

Articol de Răzvan Rotaru   —  joi, 27 noiembrie 2008

Olăroiu lent to Becali two millions euros, money necessary for paying the urgent debts

It is rumored that being in an acute crisis of liquidities, Gigi Becali called the former coach from Steaua, Cosmin Olăroiu to lend him two millions euro! Because he is in Arabia, where he trains the team Al Hilal, Oli didn’t think too much about this. "Of course I help you! You know that you are my brother!", explained the coach.

What’s the purpose of this lending? He wants to pay to the players a part of the bonus for the qualification in Champions League, but also the wages for Rădoi & co. and for the technical stuff and the other employees of the club. Almost 200.000 euros were used also for the traveling to Lyon and Munchen.

The players didn’t receive the wages

Another sign that Becali has problems with the liquidities is also the fact that the players from Ghencea haven’t received their money since last month. He should have paid the wages on 10 November. "If this thing is true, I am sure that this problem will be solved soon", confirmed Munteanu after they were defeated by Bayern.

There is a rumour that Gigi would like to sell the club with 80 de millions euro. This rumour appeared also because of the problems he has with money. All the friends of the sponsor refuted this variant.

Dragomir: "Anything is possible"

The president of LPF says that the sponsor of Steaua can leave from Ghencea only because of supporters. "I don’t think that he will give up, because Steaua is his second love, after his family. He borrowed a lot of money and he could keep the team for a few years, but anything is possible. If he wants to leave, he leaves because of the supporters’ oaths", said Dragomir on Spt FM.

He didn’t want to candidate

Authorised sources affirm that, because of the liquidities need, Steaua’s sponsor wanted to retire from the race for a place in Chamber of Deputies at the elections from 30 November. Sick of investing a lot of money in politics without obtaining something, Becali promised to retire for good if he does not enter in the Parliament: "If the people decide that Oana Mizil is a better politician than Gigi Becali, I say good bye! I won’t be interested in politics!".

He lent 80 millions

The lack of liquidities traversed by Becali has also another explanation, beyond the world financial crisis: Gigi lent to his friends a lot of money, almost 80 millions euro. Among those to whom he gave money there are: Viorel Tudorache, Horia Culcescu, but also the sponsor of Unirea Urziceni, Dumitru Bucşaru, almost 10 millions euro. "I lent 80 millions euro to relatives and friends. I summoned them that I want all my money back until 1 January 2009. If I do not receive the money, I will execute their guarantees on their houses, cars or lands. There is no mercy in business!", said Becali in Cancan.

"Steaua is my heart and will be mine and of the nephews of the nephews of my nephews for ever!"

"Yes, I have borrowed Two millions Olăroiu. It was a landing made by me, not by Steaua"

Gigi Becali, on Realitatea TV

"Gigi won’t give up Steaua! Steaua is the last thing he would sell. He won’t leave from Ghencea. Who gives him 80 millions on Steaua? Gigi has problems with the liquidities, this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have money"

Ioan Becali, former manager

"Who says that Gigi would like to sell Steaua speaks nonsense. This team is his life"

Victor Becali, manager

"We cannot speak about a financial crisis with respect to Gigi. He has a lot of money and we cannot speak about lack of money to a man like himl"

Victor Piţurcă, coach

"I don’t think he sells the team. I heard this thing for the first time, but I don’t think that Mr. Becali will do such a thing"

Dorinel Munteanu la GSPTV

76, 21% from the 1.950 supporters of Steaua which voted on steliş want him (Becali) to sell the club

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