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The bets league

Articol de Justin Gafiuc, Dan Bâra   —  marți, 02 iunie 2009

The second league transformed in a land of shady incomes for the players and the leaders: stakes on victories obtained away; on the number of goals and exact score

The second league from Romania became a paradise of betters for players and leaders. It is known that in every series there are some suspicious teams, involved in dirty games, owing to which, in the agencies from Romania and abroad, the persons involved obtain incredible incomes.

The first series: 4 sharks

Four teams are the on the top of the land of bets: Buftea, Snagov, CSM Ploieşti şi Dinamo II. The direct matches between these teams were open to questions and it is said that they brought a lot of money in the pockets of some players and club leaders. The house specialty: victories obtained away and a lot of goals scored. This is because the quotas are obviously more attractive!

The results speak: Dinamo II - CSM Ploieşti 3-4 (the 13th lap), Buftea - Snagov 4-2 (the 23rd lap, it is said that they put 40 tickets on the prognostic 1 and number of goals in an agency from Bucharest by a players of the guests!), Dinamo II - Snagov 6-1 (the 25th lap, it is said that the players betted simultaneously at 6 different agencies from Bucharest on the number of goals scored!) or Buftea - CSM Ploieşti 3-5 (the 28th lap, the emissaries sent to bet in Serbia!).

Collateral, there are even other teams involved in this story, depending on the interests in a certain moment. Giurgiu, lost on their field with CSM Ploieşti, 0-3 (the 26th lap), and the next round it won with 2-1 away on Dinamo II’s field. Every time there were attractive quotas for the prognostic 2!

"Even the coach from the second team asked me to take players from there, but they are about to demote and they had been put out from bets"

Mircea Rednic, coach at Dinamo

The second series: incredible incomes

In the circles of bookmakers it is known that for a lot of matches from this group people bet mainly in Serbia, where you can arrive easily and you may lose in an instant those who come with great stakes. The law is made here by another four teams: Internaţional Piteşti, CFR Timişoara, Dacia Mioveni and Jiul Petroşani.

După meciul CFR Timişoara - Internaţional Piteşti 3-4 (et. 9), jucătorii gazdelor au fost suspectaţi chiar de patronul Georgică Cornu că au pariat masiv în Serbia, unde pe această partidă s-ar fi obţinut cîştiguri de 7 milioane de euro!! La retur, 4-1 pentru argeşeni, s-ar fi mizat excesiv chiar pe scorul exact, care a fost blocat de casa de pariuri. Jucători de la ambele echipe ar fi prins cîte 5 bilete de fiecare pe rezultatul final!

23 de echipe din cele 36 aflate în eşalonul secund sînt suspectate de implicare în meciuri dubioase pentru pariuri

Şoc la Sportul - Buftea 6-1!

Episod incredibil la Sportul - Buftea 6-1, 28 martie, etapa 22. Oaspeţii au deschis repede scorul, după care gazdele au rămas în 10 fotbalişti: Postolache eliminat. În acest moment, o agenţie online a oferit pe secţiunea de live o cotă de 11 că studenţii vor întoarce rezultatul! Din România s-ar fi pariat imediat masiv pe succesul Sportului şi, după nici 10 minute, deşi datele problemei erau aceleaşi (1-0 pentru Buftea, gazdele cu om în minus), cota a scăzut la 3!! Finalmente, alb-negrii au marcat de 6 ori în repriza secundă! Scenariul ar fi fost pus la punct chiar de fotbaliştii celor două echipe, care, prin prieteni aflaţi în faţa computerului, au putut astfel să-şi asigure cîştiguri excelente prin mediul online!

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