Mircea Sandu won the 6th commission as the president of the Romanian Federation

Mircea Sandu, Sandu, FRF

Articol de Justin Gafiuc   —  marți, 26 ianuarie 2010

With a difference of 125 votes, Mircea Sandu has obtained without any emotion the 6th commission. Iacov was shunted across the discourse, and Dragomir remained responsible with the good time of the General assembly

Cheerfulness, some screams and a reason for the all the officials in football from all over the country to embrace themselves and to clean out the budget of the federation which is just as a wafer and a nut. This was yesterday the General Assembly of FRF, which gathered in the Capital 259 voters who came to offer the Godfather a new majority for the chair at the House of Football. 

Before the meeting, the secretary General Adalbert Kassai tries to control with discretion the agitation at the ground-floor. He posts a watchman at every entry in the hall and he does not avoid making himself the watchman for a few minutes, controlling the mandates of the delegations from the clubs. 


n a corner, Mircea Sandu’s adversary, Constantin Iacov, is surrounded by his staff, and people seem to avoid him. He receives only discrete salutations, "the officials from the federation will eliminate us if they see us with him", are thinking the people from the small leagues.

Others, who are more unhesitating, dedicated to the Godfather, spread in the crowd electing jokes:"I am looking forward to see Iacov jumping just like Geoană before the announcement of the result!".

While eating a cookie they are negotiating a vote for the Executive Committe, Mr. Nicu Rainea, is in a very good shape at 76 years old!, he utters some jests at the table in the hall, "I am still capable, my dear, I am still capable!", but the atmosphere relaxes when Mitică Dragomir appears.

Dragomir: "Let me take a cheese cake!"

15 minutes before the beginning of the Assembly, Corleone is agitated: "Ok, I will say a few words to you and then let me take a cheese cake", said to the journalists. Then he goes near the buffet, to relax himself at a chat with his old friends Corneliu Costinescu and Constantin Anghelache.

The reunion starts. An introduction made by Sandu, and nobody speaks in the room!, only Borcea, in the presidium, banters with Dragomir and Florian Walter. "We have been accused that we are stealing the money from FRF, we, those who make and administrate them!", comments the Godfather from the presidium, with an energy hold in. Iacov follows the tirade imperturbable.


When he goes at the presidium, the room grumbles. "The Romanian football is in collapse. Most of you are noticed only at the elections". Surprised laudations for Dragomir: "He has brought millions of euro from the TV broadcasting, in comparison with FRF, where the investments have been almost inexistent". In the room there started some whistles and hostile words towards Iacov: "That’s it, the five minutes ended!".  Among the agitators there was the famous Ilie Mălureanu, the former leader of gallery from Sportul, and Mihai Terzi, the president from Săgeata Stejaru.

And then, they went in a hurry in the election cabins with the same Dragomir as the energizing, in a corner of the tribune: "Gentlemen, hurry up because there is not such a big thing!". And the action lasted no more than 30 minutes, with an expected result: 192 voted for Sandu, 67 for Iacov. Go România!

Oltenia, Banat and Moldova with Iacov

A great part of the 67 votes for Iacov came from AJFs. It was known the scandal between Vasile Avram’s team and the one run by Patriţiu Abrudan, and those who are on the side of the leader of CCA voted against Micea Sandu. Moreover, Iacov was preferred by spokesmen of the sports clubs in the schools and he had on his side a lot of supporters from Banat, Moldova and the clubs from the miners’ trade union.

Avram "vice" at FRF, Igna interim at CCA!

Vasile Avram’s commission of president of CCA expired yesterday. But he will remain the Executive Committee, being elected vice-president of FRF from AJFs. In his place at the head of CCA has been appointed interim Ioan Igna.  Avram (24 votes) has won the duel with Octavian Goga (12) and Patriţiu Abrudan (7).

Borcea contested

The re-election of the leader from Dinamo Cristi Borcea in the Executive Committee of FRF awoke complaints among the leaders. "It is not fair that the teams from Bucharest to have a place in the Committee, just as the 15 teams in the country. Borcea didn’t have a challenger. We will soon solve this problem!", revolted the president of CFR Cluj, Iuliu Mureşan, who was snow-bound in Turkey and he couldn’t come at the Assembly from yesterday. Mureşan has lost with 7-10, the  suffrage with Marius Stan.

"Iacov has chosen the wrong strategy. You don’t come here to criticize when you want to be voted. Mircea Sandu is the greatest chairman in the history of football"

Dumitru Dragomir

"Mr. Iacov, access European funds for the federation, when you demonstrate that you are good, I will take you in my team and I will even erect you a statute!"

Mircea Sandu

"A result which Iacov deserved, for a campaign of only one month. I don’t know if he had also a political support, he may have had!"

Mircea Sandu

"I have voted both the person and the strategy. Nobody in the Romanian football would have been capable nowadays  to defeat Mircea Sandu"

Cristi Borcea

"I hope to make everything I proposed myself and to win another commission in 2014. I won’t candidate in 2018!. Iacov had an important political support"

Mircea Sandu, president of FRF

"I hoped to obtain more. I would help Mircea Sandu to access European funds, but I will never sell myself to this Hugo Chavez of Romania!"

Constantin Iacov

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