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COMPARISON ROMANIA - SOUTH AFRICA » The fuel is cheap, the bottled water is a luxury

Articol de George Ştucan   —  vineri, 11 iunie 2010

Deşi venitul minim lunar este mai mic decît în România, viaţa din Africa de Sud este mai scumpă. Doar preţurile combustibililor şi ale locuinţelor sînt mai mici decît la noi!

Dacă gazda Mondialului ar fi aleasă pe baza salariului minim pe economie, România n-ar avea probleme în a cîştiga. O comparaţie între noi şi Africa de Sud, statul în care astăzi debutează turneul final, scoate la iveală cîteva amănunte: veniturile de acolo sînt mai mici, alimentele, mai ales apa îmbuteliată, mai scumpe!

Faţă de ţara din sudul Continentului Negru, problemele sociale din România par insignifiante. Spre deosebire de cei aproximativ 8 la sută dintre români fără un loc de muncă stabil, aproape un sfert din populaţia Africii de Sud este şomeră şi trăieşte cu mai puţin de 1,25 dolari (3,5 lei) pe zi. Din cauza traiului de viaţă scăzut, speranţa de viaţă abia trece de pragul de 50 de ani! La noi, acest prag este situat la 68 de ani, la bărbaţi, şi la 75 de ani, la femei.

Just like in Ferentari

Because of the electricity system which is not well made and because of the equipment overstraining, many areas in South Africa stay very often without electricity, especially at rush hours. Those who do not afford or do not want to connect to the electric sources adopt a practice which we find in Bucharest, too, in Ferentari district: illegal connection.

1.200.000 orphans
are in South Africa; in Romania, to a population which is twice smaller, there are ten times fewer orphans

of the South-Africans are infected with HIV. In 2005, 31% of the pregnant women were infected with HIV

55.000 violations
are annually reported in South Africa. The real number of these in ten times bigger

18 degrees
is the temperature average in June

is the number of clandestine emigrants that are living in South Africa


- The first heart transplant was made at the Hospital Groote Schuur from Cape Town, in December 1967;

- The television appeared only in 1976, because of political reasons. One of the favorite serials of the South-Africans is The Bold and The Beautiful. In Romania, the first professional show broadcasted by TVR was on December 31, 1956. 

- It is the third state in the world in the hierarchy of the cleanest tap water.

- It is the only country in the world that produces Mercedes Benz, Clasa C, with the steering wheel on the right side.

South Africa

Capital: Pretoria (executive), Bloemfontein (judiciary), Cape Town (legislative)

The biggest town: Johannesburg

Official languages: 11

Surface: 1.221.037 km² (the 25th in the world)

Population: 49,3 million inhabitants

The population density: 41 inhabitants / km²

The coin: Rand (ZAR); 1 Rand ¡ 0,46 lei

The minimum salary: 1.000 ZAR ¡ 455 lei

The unemployment rate: 25%

The living hope: 50 years - men; 54 years - women


The capital is the biggest town: Bucharest

Official language: Romanian

Surface: 238.391 km² (the 82nd in the world)

Population: 22,2 million inhabitants

The population density: 90 inhabitants / km²

The coin: Leul

The minimum salary: 540 lei

The unemployment rate: almost 8%

The living hope: 68 years - men; 75 years- women

Priced transformed in lei in South Africa / Romania

- milk (1 liter): 4 lei / 3,5 lei

- bread: 3,5 lei / 1 leu

- eggs (12 peaces): 7,5 lei / 5 lei

- water (1,5 liters): 7,5 lei / 3 lei

- beer (0,5 liters): 3,5 lei / 3 lei

- cigarettes (packet): 12,7 lei / 10 lei

- a bus ticket (1 trip): 5 lei / 1,3 lei in Bucharest

- fuel (liter): 3,6 lei / 4,4 lei

- apartment (square meter): 3.700 lei in the center of the cities / 6.300 lei in the center of the capital

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